Transperth info-centres provide timetables and journey advice for all its services at the central train station, Wellington Street bus station, the Esplanade Busport south of St.Georges Tce, near the bell tower and Plaza Arcade in the city centre the Plaza Arcade can be found between the Hay and Murray St malls - if walking from St. Georges Tce, walk up London Court and across the Hay St mall, the Plaza Arcade is located directly opposite the exit to London Court.
By bus
All buses operating within 'Free Transit Zone' city centre, including the CAT Central Area Transit buses, are free of charge. The Free Transit Zone extends to Newcastle Street when going north, and to the end of Kings Park when going west. CAT bus services stop 5-6PM. CAT buses run circle routes every 5 to 15 minutes, but depending on the traffic and the volume of boardings, you might find walking to be less time consuming. City CAT services are geared towards both tourists and locals. The red CAT service runs East-West and stops at Royal Perth hospital, the WACA Perth's home ground for cricket, the historic Perth Mint, Wellington Square, the Murray St Mall/Perth Underground train station, His Majesty's Theatre, Parliament House, King St after its return to the city via West Perth and the Wellington St bus station/central train station. The yellow CAT runs a similar route to that of the red CAT. The blue CAT runs North-South and stops at; the Bell Tower, London Court, James St Northbridge, Central TAFE and William St. The vast majority of stops along each route have a map and an ETA which can either be read or dictated by pressing a large button below the route map.